A trip to Gunung Chabang Summit

Thursday, February 12, 2015

This was the very first time I have experienced to climb a mountain standing at 1711m and mind you, it was not a very easy hike.

Gunung Chabang is located at Pos Slim, Simpang Pulai with coordinates of N4.53806 E101.26790. It can be reach using Simpang Pulai highway going to Cameron Highlands when coming from Perak.

Gunung Chabang
The Gang
We started our day hike early in the morning and reached the starting point at probably 6AM. The start of the trail is approximately 500masl. It was still very dark that we still need to wear headlamps to start our trek. There is a bridge at the starting point and before we start to trail, we met these groups of students crossing the bridge. It was still very dark but they were already walking their way to their school, with some of the children not wearing school shoes and school uniform. It was such a beautiful sight, seeing them with smile on their faces and gracefully stamping their feet. We really hope that they'll have a bright future ahead of them. :)

When we crossed the first river, we still saw some students coming from other side of the river. Imagine everyday, every morning that these children needs to cross the river, do some trekking just to attend their school. I just really admire them. 
Okay, enough with the children, let's go back to the trekking. We then reached one of the Orang Asli wooden house that serves as a land mark but we can't find the right trail. After observing and looking for some trail, we decided to go to more wooden houses and found the water pipes along the trail. We followed the water pipes for an hour only to find out that we are trekking the wrong way. haha!

Gunung Chabang

Then we decided to go back to the Orang Asli house when suddenly Jomar found a trail-mark tied on a tree. We actually already passed along this trail mark but since it was still dark around that time, somehow we missed it. 

We then trek for another 2 hours then we reach the second river. The water was very cold and inviting but we still need to continue our trek. I sometimes stop and take a rest from time to time whenever I feel my legs are about to give up.

The view of the summit
After another 3 hours, we finally reached the false peak. The view from the false peak was spectacular. From the height of 1700m: fogs and clouds just beneath our heads, the cold winds, the amazing terrain on smaller mountains - it was breathtaking. Too bad it was surrounded by thick clouds so we really can't see the trees and mountains below, but still it was amazing.
Taking some rest at the false peak
After we finished our lunch, we need to trek another 30 effing minutes just to reach the Chabang summit and the infamous pyramid roof/metal/whatsoever. The trail was mossy and muddy that time that I really didn't care if my shoes get submerge to mud or to get dirty or what, I just need to reach that summit and go back. haha!

1715m mark at the peak
Mandatory group photo

After mandatory summit pictures, we decided to head back as it was already past 1 in the afternoon and we don't want the night to catch us going down. I assumed that trekking down will be a lot easier than going up, but it was not. It became worse! My right knee betrayed me and I feel cursing every time I step it forward. The whole time that we are going down feels like forever for me and I just kept thinking and thinking that we soon finished the trail, but it was not! It took me almost 5 hours to reach the first river. And thankfully, I finished it! Success! A dip to a cold river was my ever needed reward, it was really relaxing that I don't want to get up. It was almost 7 in the evening when we started to go back to Ipoh, and a really nice and superb dinner at tesco back concluded the very tiring and action-packed day.

Back to the starting point

Below is the trail map of our trekking. The short line at the beginning shows our wrong trail.

Photos by Cherry & Ian.

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