Travel the World: Macau

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

You know what's the best part in Macau aside from its beautiful buildings, fantastic foods and casinos? - The FREE bus ride! You can get to anywhere without spending a single buck using hotels' free bus transport, and it is just not free - it also has WiFi on board!

Macau is dubbed as the Las Vegas of Asia, and undoubtedly it is. It has so many hotels and casino on its tiny Island. Being a french colony, it has maintained it beautiful structures and buildings. As one of my friend said "Don't go to Europe, THIS is Europe!". Even my lens can't put justice on how spectacular this buildings are. Surely Macau government done really something beautiful here.

Let's talk about how to go to Macau from Hongkong by Ferry. The ferry station is located at the Central area just near the Tsuen Wan Station. Just follow the signs towards it. We board the Cotai water jet for 334 HKD for two way. The travel time is around 1 hr. The Cotai water jet is pretty huge. It has bar, toilets, entertainment TVs while the seat is pretty spacious and comfortable, that is why we found ourselves sleeping on the entire trip.

After queuing and clearing at the immigration in Macau, we went outside and found all the buses waiting for tourists. You can't be confused since these buses were decorated based on the name of the hotel. We first went to Galaxy hotel since the bus going to Venetian that time already left. One highlight that we saw in Galaxy Hotel was the grand fountain in its grand lobby with a grand show then a grand crystal appearing in the middle with all the grand lights surrounding it. Did I say grand already? It was really that grandiose, believe me.

Galaxy hotel lobby
After that, from Galaxy hotel, we board the bus going to Venetian hotel. I always thought that the Venetian hotel is the highlight of any Macau trip and I was not disappointed. It is really beautiful inside. The design and the interior is amazing! Check the photos below to see what I am saying.

Inside Venetian Hotel
The famous Grand Canal
We also tried the famous Lord Stow's egg tart in Venetian. It is really famous since many people are queuing up to buy egg tarts on this shop, it is not cheap though as it costs 10 MOP/HKD per piece.

We head to the City of dreams after exploring the Venetian hotel. We didn't find much place to see there except for Hard Rock Macau. From there, we board the bus going to Senado Square.

Expect a lot of tourist and a lot of walks when you go to Senado Square and eventually when you head to the St Paul Ruins but we didn't mind since we ate a lot along the way before we reach St Paul Ruins. There was a lot of shops selling beef jerky and meats offering free taste. There are also bakeries and a lot more shops. It was fun walking while fighting your way just to get there.

Kaite at the St. Paul Ruins
The next on our Itinerary was the Grand Lisboa hotel and Wynn hotel so we just set our GPS to that place only to find out that it was roughly 1 km from the ruins. We walked for 20 mins before we reach the Grand Lisboa hotel then walk again for 400 m to reach the Wynn hotel. We didn't have the chance to explore Wynn hotel as we already want to head back to the ferry. So we board the bus from Wynn hotel going the the Ferry station.

We arrived at a totally different ferry station, bigger than the ferry station where we arrived that morning, only to find out that we were in a wrong ferry station. Cotai water jet is located in Taipa island. So from there, we board the bus going to galaxy hotel, then board the bus again to Taipa ferry station. We are not in a hurry so we really didn't mind boarding from one bus to another since it has A/C and most importantly, WiFi.

We arrived at the ferry station in Taipa island at around 6pm then an hour ferry travel going back to Hongkong. Again, we just slept on the whole trip, saving some energy since we still want to go the Victoria peak after.

I really enjoyed Macau! I was amazed, surprised and admired the beauty of Macau. It has a lot of cool stuffs to offer to tourist from free bus, free WiFi, free milk tea from casinos and free tasting at Senado square! I definitely want to come back and spend a night there!

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